Winter Lau is a lender Anna approached for a $40 million loan.
Winter was among the lenders Anna approached for a loan to start ADF.
When Vivian interviewed her, Winter explained that it wasn't unusual for Anna to seek a loan despite claiming to have a large trust fund. She said that rich people never wanted to risk their own money, so they got loans to protect their capital. If it worked out, both sides made money. Plus Anna's money was in Germany, so she needed capital in the US to get things started. Still, most people rejected her applications at first because she didn't look the party. So she changed her look and started making connections.
Vivian asked why Alan was so committed to helping Anna, implying the two of them were having an affair. Winter laughed at the thought, saying Alan never colored outside the lines. She explained how an account as large as the one Anna was promising would be huge for Alan, large enough for him not to notice it was a scam.
She works in banking.